AppleII.Frequently.Asked.Questions: Game Sites
Csa2 FAQs text file ref: Csa21MAIN3.txt  February 2011 html rev 155.0201.2324
To submit new sites or updates:>rubywand@swbell.net -note: include "apple" in message title
.Major.A2.Links. .MainHall Entrance. .Vendors.&.Publishers. .Game.FAQs. .Emus.
The official Csa2 (comp.sys.apple2) Usenet newsgroup Apple II FAQs
originate from the II Computing Apple II site,1997-2011.

Major Apple II Game Archives

Apple2.org.za- archive which mirrors the contents
of several large Apple II sites
Asimov- #1 ftp archive of Apple II 8-bit games in emulator
disk image format plus emulators, emu info, and ROMs;
very large docs, hints, ... collection
Asimov accepts uploads.
Asimov Mirrors- sites which mirror Asimov content
CalTech- large collection of II/IIgs games and
utilities (mirror)
EmuAsylum- Multi-platform site with a very large collection
of Apple II 8-bit games in emulator disk image format
plus emulators and forums.
Ground- very large Apple II archive; maintains
many IIIIgs games (mirror)
GS WorldView- archive includes many II/IIgs games
in emulator disk image and other formats as well game
docs, maps, hints, cheats, cracks, and reviews.
Marvin's Apple II Infinitum- offers II/IIgs games,
IIgs game icons collection, and emulator wares. (Mirror
of Boris Guenter's former uni-kl.de site.
Virtual Apple- maintains large collection of Apple II/IIgs
games in zipped disk image (emulator) form which you can
download or play on-line
What is the Apple IIgs- #1 archive of out-of-print
commercial IIgs games in emulator .2mg and ShrinkIt
form; includes info blurbs, pics, and hints


Other Important Apple II Game Sites

Apple IIc .dsk Archive (French)-  games in emulator
Dsk form plus docs, screen pics, and solutions

Apple IIgs Explorer- site which lets you play many
Apple IIgs games on-line

Apple2 U. Michagan- A2 archive

B&R Computing- sells used  II/IIgs commercial games

Bard's Tale I Pages- info, manual, Clue Book, maps, and game
download for Apple II version of Bard's Tale I on
Jonathan Lamp's site. (Click Gaming, Apple 2, Bard's Tale)

BBS Contacts
List (in Text version of FAQs)

Bret's IIgs Software- II/IIgs software (including Operation
Lambda and PuyoPuyo IIgs) by Bret Victor

DAR Systems International- download Mines of Moria
and other Apple II classics plus docs

Eamon Adventurer's Guild CD- Tom Zuchowski's release of 242
Eamon adventures, including native Apple II Eamons, DSK Eamons,
three emulators, and MS-DOS Eamons; Plus 16 years
of the Eamon Adventurer's Guild Journal

Eamon Adventurer's Guild (materials)- offers ShrinkIt and
disk image downloads of Eamon games as well as other guild
materials including Tom Zuchowski's newsletter.

Eamon Adventurer's Guild Online- official EAG site offering downloads
of Eamon adventure and authoring disks plus manuals, news, and reviews;
hosts Eamon FAQs, maps, walkthroughs, and newsletters

Free Tools Association- info and downloads for games,
  demos, and other software from FTA

Game Trading Zone- a place to trade games; includes A2

IIGS Haufbrauhaus- IIgs info and software; includes
SuperMarioBros/gs by Lucas Scharenbroich

Infocom and IF Adventures for Apple IIgs- Guides plus downloads
for many interactive fiction adventures for running on the IIgs;
also includes the Lost Treasures of Infocom collection,
Zork Zero, The Undiscovered Underground, as well
as IIgs interpreter programs

Infocom Home Page- Infocom game info, pics, walkthroughs,
  and links plus interpreter downloads (multi-platform)

Interactive Fiction Archive- Infocom and other games (multi-platform)

KulaSoft- Stocks Eamon Adventures; sells A2 software; Index; links

L.J. Silicon's Treasure Chest- Apple II software

Lost Gonzo BBS- Apple II BBS site featuring http and telenet
access to many on-line games (down)

Nibble Games- Mike Harvey's Nibble magazine site offers
downloads of many published games in disk image form.

Penguin/Polarware Software Archive- Penguin/Polarware
games, pics, and history

SheppyWare- Wolf-3D and other programs by Sheppy

Shipwrecked! Page- info and download for Kim Howe's HyperCardGS
picture-text adventure for Apple IIgs

Silvern Castle Page- home page for Jeff Fink's Wizardry-like
adventure with user's guide, tech info, pics, and downloads

Stephan's Retrocomputing Site- A2 emulators plus some adventures

The Return of Phantasie Page- 2004 revision of the classic
Phantasie adventure game series for Apple II computers;
info and downloads for Phantasies I-III

Ultima Dragons- Ultima players and support group home page

Ultima World Wide Web Archive- docs, maps, ... and music for
Ultima adventures; Ultima links

Wizardry Fan Page- Snafaru's page of Wizardry info, maps,
links, new scenario downloads


Game Info
docs, hints, cheats, walkthroughs, pics, maps, authors, publishers,
history, cracks, copying, deprotects,  ...

Adventureland- multi-platform game info and links

Apple II Game Museum- box pics and memories

Apple II Textfiles- many docs, hints, cheats, walkthroughs;
cracking techniques info and tutorials

Apple IIc .dsk Archive (French)-  docs, screen pics, and solutions

Apple IIgs Gaming Memory Fairway- IIgs game box and
screen pics; mini-reviews, some walkthroughs

Asimov (and mirrors)- very large docs, hints, etc. collection
  covering many Apple II games

Bard's Tale I Pages- info, manual, Clue Book, maps, and  lists
for Apple II version of Bard's Tale I on Jonathan Lamp's
site. (Click Gaming, Apple 2, Bard's Tale)

Bard's Tale Web Ring- links to several Bard's Tale sites

Classic Adventures Solution Archive- very large collection of
game walkthroughs, hints, and maps (multi-platform)

Eamon Adventurer's Guild Online- hosts FAQs, maps,
walkthoughs, reviews, newsletters

Eamon Page- Eamon Adventuring info and links

Fander Treespook`s grove of Might & Magic- M&M I maps,
spells, quests, lists; maps for later M&M releases.

GameFAQs- FAQs/walkthroughs for many Apple II games

GS WorldView- includes II/IIgs game docs, hints, walkthroughs

IF-Legends.org- box pics, publication info, hints, maps,
reviews, and walkthroughs for several adventures

Infocom and IF Adventures Guide- links and info for Infocom and
other interactive fiction Text adventures (ref. GS WorldView's Archive)

Infocom Documentation Project- manual copies, hints, goodies

Infocom Home Page- game info, box pics, and walkthroughs

Interactive Fiction Archive- Infocom & other adventure
game solutions and hints (multi-platform)

King Tut's Wizardry Place- links and lists for Wizardry's I-V;
maps, monsters, hints, tips, FAQs for Wizardry V

Moby Games- Large listing of A2 games featuring brief descriptions
and basic publication info plus, sometimes, box and game pics

Penguin Software Archive- Penguin/Polarware games
history, pics, and other info

Project 64- Archive has large collection of game manuals (mainly
for C-64; generally work fine for Apple II).

The Apple II Game Museum- features Apple II game box
pictures and gaming memories.

The Computer Show- for PC; but, most walkthroughs, hints, etc.
work fine for Apple II versions

The Giant List- comprehensive listing of classic games and authors
plus news, interviews, and behind-the-scenes stories

The World of Green-Sky- Below the Root info and maps

Tolkien Computer Games Pages- comprehensive listings
of Tolkein-theme games on several platforms with
game info and pics

Ultima World Wide Web Archive- docs, maps, pics,
walkthroughs, and music for Ultima adventures

Wasteland Ranger Center- info, lore, and links for Wasteland

Wizardry Fan Page- Snafaru's page of pics, walkthroughs, maps, links

Wizardry: The Ultimate in Fantasy Games- John Hubbard's page
featuring stories, maps, spells, monsters, walkthroughs, ... for
Wizardry's I-VII


Game Creation & Editing Programs

Asimov (and mirrors)- arcade and adventure game makers and
editors are included in game images folders

Eamon Adventurer's Guild Online- Eamon authoring materials
and manuals

GraphicsMagician.com- docs, source code, libraries, ... to support
projects using Graphics Magician

Ground- Eamon, Explorer/gs, and Clayburn W. Juniel's arcade
  authoring programs (mirror)

GS WorldView- game authoring programs (in Archive: Utilities)

Inform Page- Interactive fiction Inform interpreter

Interactive Fiction Archive- IF interpreters and game authoring
  information and contests (multi-platform)

TADS Page- Interactive fiction TADS interpreter

