.The official Csa2 (comp.sys.apple2) Usenet newsgroup Apple II FAQs
  originate from the.II Computing Apple II site,1997-2011.
  Csa2 FAQs text file ref: Csa21MAIN3.txt rev 155 February 2011
. .Entrance..    .Major.Sites

. Vendors.&. Publishers.
.... Update: February 10, 2010 . To submit new listings or updates, contact ...
.... rubywand@swbell.net -note: include "apple" in message title

Where can I get Apple II computers, parts, boards, and software? . to.top

16 Sector ( http://16sector.com/ ) Tony Diaz's company produces and sells
Apple II/IIgs hardware including the 2009 Senior PROM, Serius 8MB memory
for IIgs, and the Focus internal hard card IDE drive.

8-Bit Classics ( http://www.8bitclassics.com/ ) sells Apple II and other classic
computer items.

A.P.P.L.E. (Apple PugetSound Program Library Exchange; http://callapple.org/ )
sells II/IIgs software and CA back issues on CD; also sells Apple II hardware
and publishes Call -A.P.P.L.E. on-line 'zine.

A2Central.com ( http://www.a2central.com/ ) sells II/IIgs accessories and
software, including GS System 6.0.1;  publishes A2Central.com on-line 'zine.

Albert Franklin (email: jfrankl1@mindspring.com) sells 5.25" DS/DD diskettes.

All Electronics (800-826-5432; http://www.allelectronics.com/ ) surplus and
new parts seller- switches, LCD panels, connectors, transformers, caps,
IIgs-type lithium batteries, etc.

Apple II Auctions- some places which handle Apple II items on the internet

 - BidVille.com- http://www.bidville.com
 - comp.sys.apple2.marketplace- news:comp.sys.apple2.marketplace
 - DigitalDinos- http://www.digitaldinos.com
 - ebay- http://www.ebay.com
 - way2bid.com- http://way2bid.com

B&R Computer Services (619-225-8281; http://noappleistoooldforus.com/ )
sells Apple II computers, peripherals, and manuals plus used II/IIgs games,
and other software; also does repairs and A2-to-PC/Mac file conversions.

Briel Computers ( http://www.brielcomputers.com/wordpress/ )
Develops and sells A2 hardware including 4MB IIgs RAM, II/II+ KB encoder,
an Apple I replica. Also sells improved KIM and Altaire boards/systems.

Brown Bag Enterprises ( http://www.brownbag.0catch.com/applegames.htm )
sells a CD with content from Asimov and other sources.

Buggie (505-863-2390; buggie@unm.edu) Steve Buggie sells the famous Buggie
Power Supplies, Buggie Drives, and does disk drive conversions.

Byte Works ( http://www.byteworks.org ) developer of the respected Orca series
of Apple II languages and support software including the new GS BASIC; sales
via Syndicomm ( http://www.syndicomm.com/apple2/index.html )

Catweasel ( http://www.jschoenfeld.com/products/catweasel_e.htm ) makes and
sells a disk drive controller for reading A2 diskettes on non-A2 drives.

Charlie's AppleSeeds (619-566-0387; 9081 Hadley Place, San Diego CA 92126-
1523 ) sells Apple II hard disks and controllers, floppy drives, ... and ProSel,
ProSel-16 documentation.

Comp.sys.apple2.marketplace is the Csa2 newsgroup for buying and selling
Apple II hardware and software.

Creative Solutions (937-429-5759) Apple II hardware, software, and repairs

Cyber Guys ( http://www.cyberguys.com/ ) modem and NULL modem cables

DAR Systems International (305-529-3572; http://www.darsys.com;
Post Office Box 521598 Miami, FL  33152-1598; Pro-Entropy BBS: 305-994-3578
email: Eric A. Seiden server@pro-entropy.cbbs.cts.com ) sells ProLine BBS

Digi-Key (800-344-4539; http://www.digikey.com ) IC's and general parts supplier

DigiSoft Innovations (ref: Jim Maricondo) producer of the "Golden Orchard" CD
collection of Apple II software; now distributed by Shareware Solutions II

DigitalDinos (440-339-8538; http://www.digitaldinos.com/ ) sells Apple II and
other systems, peripherals, boards, and manuals.

Dirt-Cheap Drives (800-786-1160; http://www.dirtcheapdrives.com )
2.5" IDE drives

Eamon Adventurer's Guild (7625 Hawkhaven Dr., Clemmons, NC  27012;
910-766-7490; email: eamoncd@bellsouth.net ) distributes the Eamon
Adventures on CD.

F. E. Systems ( http://www.bernie.gs/ ) offers the Sweet 16 for Carbon and
Bernie ][ the Rescue IIgs emulators for Macs.

Floppydisk.com ( http://www.floppydisks.com/ ) sells 5.25", 3.5" DS/DD disks.

GBBS/LLUCE support and software (Apple Elite II BBS 951-359-5338;
email Steven Lichter at shlichter@sbcglobal.net )

Gene Ehrich's On-Line Computer Garage Sale (P.O. Box 3365
Spring Hill, FL 34611-3365) sells Apple II (C-64, PC, etc.) hardware,
software, manuals, and other items.

Giganews ( http://www.giganews.com/ ) .comprehensive newsgroup access

Grw Systems ( http://www.wilde.org/grwsystems/ ) offers Utility Works and
Utility Launch shareware for IIgs.

Halted Specialties (800-442-5833; http://www.halted.com ) sells electronic
parts- sockets, cables, plugs, caps, Parallax BASIC stamp, SCSI cables, ...;
good prices for 74xxx, 65xx, etc. IC's.

Hardware Page ( http://rich12345.tripod.com/ ) Richard Jackson sells 12
Apple II books on CD and  his Autonomous Robot Programming Tutorial .

Hudson's Hobby Games (817-461-0126; P.O. Box 121503, Arlington, TX, 76012;
email: HudsonGame@aol.com ) sells Old Apple II games in original boxes.

II Computing ( http://home.swbell.net/rubywand/ ) sells A2 software,
the TDX Stereo Card for the Apple IIgs, joystick adapters, ... .

IEC ( http://www.connectworld.net/cgi-bin/iec/framepr.html ) sells Apple II
joystick, printer, disk drive, modem, etc. cables.

InTrec Software (888-PROTERM; http://www.intrec.com) sells ProTerm A2 and
a high-speed modem cable.

Jameco (800-831-4242; http://www.jameco.com ) Apple II and general parts

JDR Microdevices (800-538-5000; http://www.jdr.com ) Apple II and general
parts supplier

KulaSoft (808-595-8131; http://www.angelfire.com/hi/kulasoft ) sells Eamon
Adventure disks, Apple II magazine Indexes, software collections, tutorials,
and Apple II books, including technical reference and programming manuals.

Lynxmotion (104 Partridge Road, Pekin, IL 61554-1403; 309-382-1816
http://www.lynxmotion.com ) sells Robot kits, Robot arms, servos, controllers,
... for PC but adaptable for Apple II.

MC Price Breakers (619-476-9839 ; http://www.mcpb.com ) sells memory boards,
high-speed GS modem cables, and other Apple II hardware.

McGovern Apple IIgs ( http://www.frii.com/~mcgovern/apple.html ) offers
A2 manuals, magazine back issues, and other items for sale.

MECI (800-344-6324; http://www.meci.com ) surplus electronic parts- fans,
tubes, solenoids, IC sockets, 50-25 SCSI cables and adaptors, ...

Meritline.com ( http://www.meritline.com/ ) sells 3.5" DD diskettes in bulk.

Mouser Electronics (800-346-6873; http://www.mouser.com ) major IC and
general parts supplier

MPJA/ Marlin P. Jones (800-652-6733; http://www.mpja.com) sells many
power supplies, NULL modem, proto boards, Parallax BASIC stamp, kits,
LED displays, LCD panels, ... .

Newark Electronics (800-463-9275; http://www.newark.com ) major electronic
parts supplier

Nibble Magazine ( http://www.nibblemagazine.net/ ) sells complete collection
of Nibble issues on CD or DVD.

Ninjaforce Entertainment ( http://www.ninjaforce.com ) IIgs utility and game

Oldsoftware.com ( http://www.oldsoftware.com/ ) sells A2 software, books,
hardware, and new 5.25" and 3.5" DSDD diskettes.

PacificCustonCable (800-931-3133; http://www.pacificcable.com/ )  sells
II/IIgs and Mac modem, AppleTalk, and other cables.

Parallax ( http://www.parallaxinc.com/ ) makers of BASIC Stamp single-board
computers and development tools (ref. robots and other external devices)

Peripheral Manufacturing, Inc (800-468-6888; http://www.periphman.com/ )
sells 5.25" diskettes in 10 packs and 50 packs.

PICmicroWebRing ( http://www.webring.com/cgi-bin/webring?ring=picmicro;list )
PIC/BASIC Stamp vendors and info (ref. robots and other external devices)

Pre-Owned Electronics (800-274-5343) sells a variety of peripherals and

PriceGrabber.com ( http://www.pricegrabber.com/ search for "Apple II") sells
A2 books and printer supplies.

R&D Automation ( http://dreher.net/CFforAppleII/ ) makes and sells the "CFFA
Card" CompactFlash/IDE interface for the Apple II.

Radio Shack ( http://www.radioshack.com/ ) sells IIgs/Mac high-speed modem,
NULL modem, Imagewrtier I/II printer, IIgs/Mac keyboard, and other A2 cables.

RC Systems (USA 425-355-3800; UK +44 1279 639471; http://www.rcsys.com/ )
sells Slotbuster multi-function (printer/ SSC serial/ Clock/ Text-to-Speech),
TimeProPlus, and DoubleTalk cards for Apple II.

ReactiveMicro.com (800-732-2848; http://www.ReactiveMicro.com)
develops and sells drive controller, RAM, Mockingboard, and other Apple II/IIgs
peripheral boards and products; source for TWGS GAL upgrade chips.

Redmond Cable (425-882-2009; http://www.redcab.com/ ) offers large selection
of II/IIgs modem, printer, video, ... cables and adaptors.

RetroFloppy (http://www.retrofloppy.com) offers diskette transfer services
to/from various physical disk drive and virtual disk image formats.

RJ Cooper & Associates ( http://rjcooper.com/site-map ) sells hardware and
software for persons with Special Needs (multi-platfom; A2 software).

Seven Hills Software (became My eSource) produced IIgs software, some of
which is now distributed by Shareware Solutions II.

Shareware Solutions II ( http://users.foxvalley.net/~joko ) sells Convert 3200,
Spectrum, ... plus games, boxed Old game originals, the Golden Orchard CD-ROM,
and other wares; publishes Shareware Solutions II mini-magazine.

SheppyWare ( http://www.sheppyware.net ) software by Eric Shepherd

SHH Systeme, Germany ( http://www.wbwip.com/shh/) sells the LANceGS ethernet
card, Turbo IDE and other HD controller cards, Blue Disk, TWGS Accelerator
upgrades, and repairs.

Shreve Systems (800-227-3971; http://www.shrevesystems.com ) sells Apple II
computers, peripherals, parts and accessories.

Sierra Circuit Design (503-614-0749; http://www.sierracircuit.com/ ) sells
65xxx, PIC, and other 8/16 bit microprocessor VHDL, FPGS, and ASIC designs
and circuit board designs.

Spi Semiconductor (818-884-8000;http://www.spisemicon.com/ )
sells memory IC's, including the 20-pin Zip package D424400V-80 used on the
GS-RAM III. (Note: When ordering be sure to confirm package style.)

Sun Remarketing (800-821-3221; http://www.sunrem.com  accepts on-line orders)
sells Apple II parts and peripherals.

Syndicomm  ( http://www.syndicomm.com/ ) publishes and distributes
Byte Works and other Apple II/IIgs software.

ThinkFast ( http://www.thinkstuff.com/thinkstuff.html ) sells IIgs/Mac
hi-speed modem and NULL modem cables.

Vernier Software (503-277-2299; http://www.vernier.com )  sells project books
and components.

Vintage Ware ( http://vintageware.orcon.net.nz/ )  sells PS/2 Mouse Adapter for
Apple II and is developing other A2 products.

VintageFunWorld.Com ( http://www.vintagefunworld.com ) sells
Apple II systems, components, parts, and software.

Wayne's Computer ( Wayne's Computer (315-689-7899; http://www.waynes.com/ )
sells Apple II computers, peripherals, and software.

Western Design Center (480-962-4545; http://www.westerndesigncenter.com/ )
makes and sells the 65C816 uP used in the IIgs and in accelerator upgrades.

William K. Bradford Co. (800-421-2009; http://www.wkbradford.com ) sells
Apple II educational software.

XDR2.com ( http://www.xdr2.com/ ) sells 5.25" & 3.5" DD diskettes.

--Rubywand, David Chiu, Delfs, Jay, Bart, Frank Townsend, Paul Grammens,
   Josh Smith, Joan Sander, Carrington Vanston, Matthew S. Carpenter


Where can I get Apple II books and periodicals?.. . to.top

A2 2000 originally published by Charles T. Turley; back issues in .sdk
and .shk form in Ground's A2000 Collection at ...
http://www.apple2.org.za/mirrors/ground.icaen.uiowa.edu/Collections/A2.2000/ .

A2Central.com ( http://www.a2central.com/ ) is an Apple II/IIgs on-line 'zine
featuring A2 news edited by Eric Shepherd.

Apple Assembly Line Bob Sander-Cederlof's official site features html pages
of issues ( http://www.txbobsc.com/aal/index.html ); also see
Paul Schlyter's archive ( http://www.stjarnhimlen.se/apple2/ ).

Apple II Magazine Indexes- available from KulaSoft
( http://www.angelfire.com/hi/kulasoft )

Apple II Manuals and Books
- KulaSoft (808-595-8131; http://www.angelfire.com/hi/kulasoft ) sells many
Apple II books, including technical reference and programming manuals.

- 1000bit.net ( http://www.1000bit.net/support/manuali/manuali.asp )
offers large collection of Apple I/II/IIgs and card manuals in mostly .pdf.
- Apple Manuals and Books ( http://www.apple-iigs.info/home.htm ) offers
several II/IIgs manuals and books in .pdf (mostly English some French).
- Kim Howe's conversions of IIgs User's and Owner's manuals are at
http://apple2.callapple.org/manuals/index.html .
- The Applesoft manual and utility docs in French are on Steph & Gists's
//c Archive at http://www.chez.com/apple1/Apple2cDskArchive/index.htm .
- Mike Harvey's Nibble magazine site offers free downloads of Nibble's
Beginner's Guide to A2 Assembly Language on disk image and sells many
similar materials at http://www.nibblemagazine.net/ .

- Richard Jackson sells 12 A2 books on CD ( http://rich12345.tripod.com/ ).
- Also see collections on Major Archives and other sites, including Game Sites,
hardware and Software Vendors, book sellers, and individuals.

The Australian Apple Review- indexed articles collected by Terry Allen
( http://apple2.callapple.org/magazines/aar/index.html )

Call -A.P.P.L.E. ( http://callapple.org/ ) magazine revived on-line to supply
coverage of Apple II and other Apple computers; offers back issues on CD;
published by Apple PugetSound Program Library Exchange.

Composition is an on-line 'zine devoted to GS MIDIsynth and synthLAB music
( http://www.fortunecity.com/victorian/rembrandt/2/comp.html ) published by
Gregory Heald.

Compute! ( http://www.atarimagazines.com/ ) indexes; plus articles from several
issues maintained on Kevin Savetz's Classic Computer Magazine Archive.

Compute II magazine for KIM, AIM, SYM and OSI single-board
computer users ( http://www.atarimagazines.com/). Complete copies of both
1980 issues maintained on Kevin Savetz's Classic Computer Magazine Archive.

Computist magazine issues (through #57) in scanned .jpg and .zip form
from Michael Maginnis's Computist Project ( http://www.computist-project.net/ );
and (through #52) on Jason Scott and Jean Pierre's Hardcore Computist site
at http://computist.textfiles.com/.

Computist magazine Library Disks on The Computist Project site at
http://www.computist-project.net/ as .dsk and .sdk images; and on USA2WUG
at http://apple2.org.za/gswv/USA2WUG/ComputistLibraryDisks/.

Creative Computing ( http://www.atarimagazines.com/ ) index and text for
several issues maintained on Kevin Savetz's Classic Computer Magazine Archive.

Creative Computing Video & Arcade Games  ( http://www.atarimagazines.com/ )
index and text maintained on Kevin Savetz's Classic Computer Magazine Archive.

Dark Castle (Wolborgenmate 72, 7006 DK Doetinchem, The Netherlands;
+31-314-365145) is/was a quarterly mini-magazine edited by Doede Boomsma.
Info and snip with Mark Twain IIgs pics in Ground's DarkCastle Collection.

Eamon Adventurer's Guild newsletter (7625 Hawkhaven Dr., Clemmons, NC  27012)
edited by Thomas Zuchowski (email: eamoncd@bellsouth.net )  was the quarterly
journal for the famous adventuring series. All of the issues are included on
the Eamon CD. See the Eamon CD article in GS WorldView's Archive.

FlightSim books ( http://www.FlightSimBooks.com ) cover pics and complete
text for 11 books about flight simulation.

GEnie Lamp issues from the classic the GEnie Apple II Roundtables as Text
files (A2 http://www.textfiles.com/apple/GENIELAMP/ ; and A2 and A2Pro
in Ground's Gelamp Collection ).

GS WorldView ( http://apple2.org.za/gswv/a2zine/ ) is an Apple II/IIgs
web magazine started by Charles Turley, currently edited by Rubywand

Juiced GS ( http://juiced.gs/ ) is a quarterly mini-magazine created
by Max Jones. Editor: Ken Gagne; published by Gamebits.

Nibble magazine ( http://www.nibblemagazine.net/ ): Mike Harvey's Nibble
magazine site sells collections of Nibble issues and other materials on CD
and DVD. The site also offers free downloads of many Nibble games, utilities,
and programming information wares in disk image form.

Nibble magazine Library Disks-- Nov 1988- Feb 1992-- are available from Asimov
at ftp://ftp.apple.asimov.net/pub/apple_II/images/magazines/nibble/ as .shk
files and as convenient .po disk images done by Sallyraphael (aka Knockstump).
The .po disk images are included in Ground's /Nibble Collection at
http://mirrors.apple2.org.za/ground.icaen.uiowa.edu/Collections/Nibble/ .
Aslo check out Rob Greene's Nibble collection at
http://webpages.charter.net/greener/apple2/ .

Nuts & Volts Magazine (800-783-4624; http://www.nutsvolts.com) not A2
specific, but good info on robot making and other interesting projects; also, a
good source for surplus electronic parts ads

Open Apple magazine issues in .shk form
( ftp://ftp.apple.asimov.net/pub/apple_II/documentation/magazines_on_disk/ )

Pom's- issues of the French Apple II magazine in .pdf form are on SbM's
site at http://sbm.ordinotheque.free.fr/apple/poms/ .

Road Apples back issues in html form
( http://apple2.org.za/gswv/a2zine/GS.WorldView/Resources/ROAD.APPLE/ )

Shareware Solutions II (166 Alpine Street, San Rafael, CA 94901;
http://users.foxvalley.net/~joko ) is a bi-monthly mini-magazine edited
by Joe Kohn.

Vintage Computer Books on-line ( http://www.atariarchives.org/ ) books of game
programs in BASIC, and more; maintained on Kevin Savetz's Classics Archive.

--Rubywand, Brad, Tix, Marcus Heuser, Kevin Savetz
