Emulators / Linux / PC (IBM PC XT-AT)

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On this page you can find the emulators for PC - IBM PC XT-AT (click on the icons of the house to download the latest versions). Other emulators can be found at https://www.zophar.net/, https://emulation.gametechwiki.com/ and https://www.emucr.com/.

86BOX (old XT/AT-class PCs)Download the emulator   
86BOX BUILDS (old XT/AT-class PCs)Download the emulator   
IBMULATOR (IBM PS/1)Download the emulator   
MARTYPC (IBM PC XT)Download the emulator   
PCE/IBMPC-M24 (Olivetti M24 with MS-DOS 3.30A)Go to the home page of the emulator  Download the emulator 
PCEM (old XT/AT-class PCs)Go to the home page of the emulator