Books & Magazines / Crash
Crash was a magazine dedicated to the ZX Spectrum home computer. It was published from 1984 to 1991 by Newsfield Publications Ltd until their liquidation, and then until 1992 by Europress -
CRASH - 1 (taken from: This is a simple text. This is a simple text. This is a simple text. This is a simple text. This is a simple text. This is a simple text. This is a simple text. | |
CRASH - 2 (taken from: This is a simple text. This is a simple text. This is a simple text. This is a simple text. This is a simple text. This is a simple text. This is a simple text. | |
CRASH - 3 (taken from: This is a simple text. This is a simple text. This is a simple text. This is a simple text. This is a simple text. This is a simple text. This is a simple text. |