######                                          ##                          #####  ##   ## 

  ########                                         ##                         ###     ##   ## 

  ###                                              ##                         ##      ##   ## 

  ###       ####   ########   ########   ####   #####  ####  ## ##  #####     ######  ####### 

  ###      ##  ## ##  ##  ## ##  ##  ## ##  ## ##  ## ##  ## ####  ##   ##    ##   ##      ## 

  ###      ##  ## ##  ##  ## ##  ##  ## ##  ## ##  ## ##  ## ##    #######    ##   ##      ## 

   ####### ##  ## ##  ##  ## ##  ##  ## ##  ## ##  ## ##  ## ##    ##          ######      ## 

    #####   ####  ##      ## ##  ##  ##  ####   #####  ####  ##     #####       ####       ## 


   ~     S p e c i a l     C 6 4 ' s     2 0 t h     B i r t h d a y     R e l e a s e     ~  



The UNOFFICIAL Commodore 64 FAQ - Final Version by Simon (thiagosimoes84@hotmail.com) - Dec/2K2




| Updates                                                                                     |

| =======                                                                                     |

|                                                                                             |

| Version: Final... For Sure!                                                                 |

| ---------------------------                                                                 |

| I swear I was not planning another update, but it had to be done. As you may have know if   |

| you read carefuly any previous version of this FAQ, I am brazilian. And the last time I     |

| updated this FAQ I forgot to revise any typos. Well, it is done now. Hopefully this is the  |

| final (and I mean FINAL) version of this FAQ. I just want to thank every contributor and    |

| reader once again, thank you very very much. And finally... Happy Birthday, Commodore 64!   |

|                                                                                             |

| Version: Final... Again!                                                                    |

| ------------------------                                                                    |

| I just got a couple of e-mails reminding me of two interesting informations I was missing.  |

| So, I added the sections and, plus I added some games to the section 2.9,   |

| includding Mad Doctor. Thanks to these two people who sent me the e-mails: DDP619 (sorry,   |

| he did not left his name o_o) asking about formatting disks and Alex Allen for Mad Doctor.  |

|                                                                                             |

| Version: Final                                                                              |

| --------------                                                                              |

| There weren't several things to do here, so I decided that I should just add one more game  |

| in the section 2.9 (Dragon Strike, recently listed by Gamespot.com as 'a game that should   |

| be remade'; but they didn't say that this game was also released for Commodore 64...), and  |

| finish updates in this FAQ. I feel it is complete as it is now. Some people sent me e-mails |

| asking me to add sections about how to fix technical problems with Commodore 64 machine and |

| its peripherals, but it is impossible to list in a FAQ! I highly suggest to these people to |

| find a good specialized store or technicians who can fix problems in old computers and its  |

| peripherals instead of trying to fix problems by their own! Furthermore I hope that there   |

| will be games yet to be released for Commodore 64, but I do not believe that it would be a  |

| very important feature to keep this FAQ updated. I also would like to thanks all the people |

| who read, and keep reading this FAQ, thank you very very much. Finally, thanks to GameFAQs  |

| and VidGame0 for posting this FAQ. Now, good bye, Commodore 64, and Happy Birthday!         |

|                                                                                             |

| Version: 3.0                                                                                |

| ------------                                                                                |

| *Sigh* This whole older computer thing is killing me. There are so much information on my   |

| head, that I can not figure out everything at once. But here we go with another one update. |

| Added 3 more interesting games in the section 2.9; Updated information about Accessing the  |

| Internet/WWW on a C64; Added two ways to crash BASIC in the section; Updated info   |

| in the section; Well, that is it for today...                                       |

|                                                                                             |

| Version: 2.3                                                                                |

| ------------                                                                                |

| Erased some few type mistakes and added a new game in the section 2.9                       |

|                                                                                             |

| Version: 2.2                                                                                |

| ------------                                                                                |

| Erased few type mistakes and added a new game in the section 2.9                            |

|                                                                                             |

| Version: 2.1                                                                                |

| ------------                                                                                |

| Erased some type mistakes and added some few missing information.                           |

| Added a new place to post this FAQ (http://vidgame0.tripod.com) - just see section 3.0.     |

|                                                                                             |

| Version: 2.0                                                                                |

| ------------                                                                                |

| Huge update in the first "Special C64's 20th Birthday Release" version for this FAQ  :)     |

|                                                                                             |

| Version: 1.2                                                                                |

| ------------                                                                                |

| Erased some type mistakes                                                                   |

|                                                                                             |

| Version: 1.1                                                                                |

| ------------                                                                                |

| Added some more games in the Main Games Released section                                    |

|                                                                                             |

| Version: 1.0                                                                                |

| ------------                                                                                |

| First release of the FAQ                                                                    |





1.0        - About this FAQ

2.0        - Commodore 64

 2.1       - History

 2.2       - Commodore 65 and Commodore 128

 2.3       - Is it still alive?

 2.4       - Specs

 2.5       - Features

  2.5.1    - Loading Programs and Playing Games

  2.5.2    - Accessing the Internet/WWW and BBS

  2.5.3    - Original Commodore 64 Operation - The PRINT Command - Printing in a Printer - Loading Disks - Loading Tapes - Loading Cartridges - How to Format a New Disk - Saving Programs

  2.5.4    - CCS64 Emulator Operation - Loading Disks - Loading Tapes - Loading Cartridges

 2.6       - C64's Operational Systems

  2.6.1    - BASIC

  2.6.2    - JiffyDOS

  2.6.3    - GEOS and Gateway - GEOS Related Programs

  2.6.4    - MegaPatch 64

  2.6.5    - Wheels 64

 2.7       - Main Programs Released

 2.8       - Main Peripherals Released

 2.9       - Main Games Released

3.0        - Copyright, Thanks & End Notes



1.0 - About this FAQ



This FAQ is a serious attemp to organize as much information as possible about the Commodore 64

into a single text file. However, note that this is not a comprehensive guide about how to use

all the commands of the BASIC or how to hook up and operate the peripherals, but a FAQ about

what is, how to get started and what can you do with the Commodore 64. This FAQ is pretty much

done now. I do not believe that there are anything to add here besides what is already written,

so I will not update this FAQ anymore. Now, enjoy reading!



2.0 - Commodore 64




| Note: As Commodore 64 was NEVER released in Brazil (where I live), all the information I've |

| got came from Internet research, and some own experiences with CCS64 Commodore 64 emulator. |




2.1 - History



Commodore 64 is a revolutionary Computer released by Commodore Business in 1982. It mixed all

the power of a proffessional computer with the easy-to-use features of the home computers. The

Operational System of Commodore 64 was the BASIC, the most used Operational System in computers

at that time. BASIC is a deep language, but easier than other existent languages. Commodore 64

sold out about 17 to 22 million of units around the world, until 1994, when its production

ceased, and Commodore Business was sold for a German company.



2.2 - Commodore 65 and Commodore 128



In order to make a successor for the Commodore 64, Commodore developed a new version of the C64

called Commodore 65. As Commodore 65 seemed so much with the newest Amiga computers, from a new

company bought earler by Commodore Business, Commodore decided to stop its production and only

sold out 200 beta versions of the Commodore 65 in a special-sale. The real successor of the C64

was the Commodore 128. This computer expanded some features of Commodore 64, such as a quicker

load time, and came with a real Commodore 64 engine built-in, you only needed to change the OS

between the Commodore 64 and the Commodore 128. All the peripherals, programs or games made for

the Commodore 64 would run into Commodore 128 in 64 mode. It sold out around 4 to 7 millions of

units around the world. Commodore 128 was developed with the help of Microsoft Corporation.



2.3 - Is it still alive?



Yes, even with 20 years old, Commodore 64 is still alive in Germany, and some other countries

of Europe. Some people also use it only for nostalgia, but in fact, there are games still being

developed for Commodore 64, made by professional companies, such as Turrican 3, Newcomer and

Mood. With the emulators, such as the CCS64, that emulates the real Commodore 64 on your com-

puter, Commodore 64 will always be alive, and there will always be someone developing games or

programs for it.



2.4 - Specs




| Official Name       | Commodore 64                                                          |


| Year of Release     | 1982                                                                  |


| Country of Origin   | U.S.A.                                                                |


| C.P.U.              | 6510 (8 bits)                                                         |


| Speed               | 0,985 MHz (PAL) / 1,023 MHz (NTSC)                                    |


| Co-Processors       | VIC II (Video) / SID (Sound)                                          |


| ROM                 | 20 Kb                                                                 |


| RAM                 | 64 Kb                                                                 |


| Text Resolution     | 40 X 25                                                               |


| Graphics Resolution | Several; Most used: 320 X 200                                         |


| Colors              | 16                                                                    |


| Sound               | 6 octaves                                                             |


| Voices              | 3                                                                     |


| I/O Ports           | RGB, Video Composite, Joystick, Cardridge, Tape, Serial, User Port    |

|                     | (RS232 compatible), TV                                                |




2.5 - Features



Commodore 64 is a home computer, so you can do almost everything your modern home computer can

do nowadays. Surely you will have some limitations, mostly low speed problems because the C64

was released twenty years ago. But the versatility and functionality of the Commodore 64 was

really amazing for its time. You can use programs, play games, use several peripherals such as

a printer and a mouse, and even make your own programs and games with the proper knowledge.

Other computers, such as the MSX and the SG-1000, were also able to manage such things but no

one was so powerfull and easy to use like the Commodore 64. You do not even need a monitor in

order to use a Commodore 64. You can just hook up the computer to an ordinary TV and use the

programs, peripherals and play games! Talk about versatility!



2.5.1 - Loading Programs and Playing Games



There are several games and programs released for Commodore 64, and most are very easy to find

in the Internet if you want to play through emulators. Obviously, these programs and games

would work in the real Commodore 64 machine, as you can exchange informations between your

computer and a real Commodore 64 through a program called Star Commander.


There are 3 ways to run games or programs into Commodore 64:


Cartridge... Commodore 64 has a built-in cartridge slot, in order to play some games and load

             programs. Cartridges don't have load time, but due to the fact that they were very

             expensive to buy and to develop, very few cartridges were released.


Disk........ You would need to buy a 1541 or other Disk Drive to play disk games or run disk

             programs, but there are THOUSANDS of them, due to the fact the cost to develop a

             game in a diskette was very cheap. So, the disks are cheap too, and as far as I

             know, some disks were sold for 1 dollar! You could also record your own programs

             in a blank disk.


Tapes....... Tapes have a very long load time, but they were cheaper than cartridges. You would

             need to buy a Datacassete in order to play games or run programs in tapes. Such as

             in the disks, you can record your own programs in a blank tape.



2.5.2 - Accessing the Internet/WWW and BBS



You can access the Internet via modem, but only in 16-color mode. If you are curious about how

it works, just change the color pallete of your computer to 16 colors, and access Internet in

this mode. For Internet Access, you will surely need a Modem and a Browser. With the Turbo 232

Modem Interface (see section 2.8 for additional information about this peripheral), you will

be able to use any Modem up to 232K, but if you want to use GeoFAX you will need a special

Modem. It is the Diamond Supra Express 56e Pro Modem, 100% compatible with C64's communication

programs. Now you will need a browser. If you want to browse the Internet/WWW graphically, the

only software available to work with Commodore 64 is the WAVE 64. You will need Wheels 64 and

GEOS 2.0 in order to run it. Currently, E-mails support are not allowed, but the developer

hopes it will be supported soon. A non-confirmed option is that you can also visualize the .GIF

and .JPG/.JPEG images you got in the Internet with the GeoGIF and Juddpeg programs. The Juddpeg

program will only run if you have the Super CPU 64. With a Turbo 232 Modem and GEOS 2.0, you

will also be able to use the program GeosFAX (more details in the section, that will

allow your C64 computer to be used as a fax machine. GeoFAX also makes possible to use a fax

machine as an A4 scanner. If you want to access BBS's and limited WWW, you will need another

software, called Novaterm. Summing up, you will have to have:


-A Commodore 64

-A Modem

-A Modem Interface (Turbo 232 Modem Interfacte - for user port - or Uart Cart, for cart port)

-Terminal Emulation Software (the WAVE 64 or Novaterm)


I forgot to mention that with the Turbo 232 Modem Interface, you will be able to connect to

the WWW through the computer's userport, but you can also connect through the C64's cartridge

port if you own the Uart cartridge. Note that the WAVE 64 also has a built in fully featured

Terminal program. But you cannot access the WWW alone, you will need an ISP. The ISP's will



-Unix shell access

-Unix utilities -Optional- (See section to lean more about these tools)


If the ISP offer shell access but don't offer anything more useful than telnet, then you can

still use their telnet service to connect to a decent ISP which does offer the good stuff, such

as Pine, Lynx, etc.


In VidGame0 (http://vidgame0.tripod.com), there is a link to a site where the old Commodore 64

is being used as a sever!!! The webmaster could even use a Firewall to prevent any unexpected

problem! Isn't it surprising... and great!?


Heading back to the Terminal programs, I read that Novaterm uses a synthetic 80 columns on

the C64. Now, this is what I could find about this 80 columns thing (the following text was

wrote by Cameron Kaiser -- ckaiser@stockholm.ptloma.edu, and adapted by me):


"[Novaterm] uses what's commonly called "soft 80" where 80 columns are simulated on the high

res screen with 4x8 characters and a custom driver. It's visible 80 columns, but it's subject

to the limitations of high res (i.e. being 4x8, two characters in the same 8x8 cell must have

the same foreground and background colours, etc.), so it's not the 80 columns with individual,

8x8 characters you would get out of the VDC or a PC.


Soft 80 is not uncommon on the 64. COMPUTE! released two drivers for it [...] (Screen-80 and 64

Eighty, the former being more common but the latter is far more superior and functional). [...]

ACE now supports it and just about every modern terminal program does too. [You can] use Kermit

64 as [a] terminal program and it also has VDC and soft-80 modes, just like Novaterm."


Also, some few info listed on this section was wrote by Marc (mwalters@bombadil.apana.org.au).

I've got Marc's and Cameron's articles from comp.sys.cbm newsgroups, posted in September/1999.



2.5.3 - Original Commodore 64 Operation



When you first turn on your Commodore 64 you will see the word READY, followed by a flashing

point. It means that the computer is awaiting for orders. As you can see in the section 2.6.1,

the original Operational System of Commodore 64 is the BASIC. Bellow are listed some of the

commands that you can execute with BASIC, but remember that this is not intended to be a guide

for BASIC or such a Manual for "How to operate your computer", but just a quick guide for the

beginners. Remember that you can also use ANY of the commands listed bellow with the CCS64

Emulator, in the original BASIC mode (the emulator also works as the real Commodore 64 does).


=====-----=====-----=====-----=====-----=====-----=====-----=====-----=====-----=====-----===== - The PRINT Command



The PRINT command is one of the top-used commands for Commodore 64. If you type


PRINT 1+1 


and press RETURN key, the computer will immediately show the right answer, 2.


Other uses of PRINT command:


PRINT X+X  -  Addition

PRINT X-X  -  Subtraction

PRINT X*X  -  Multiplication

PRINT X/X  -  Division

PRINT X^X  -  Exponentiation


Note: ^ is the up arrow symbol, accessible when you key the up arrow key (from the right of the

      asterisk/star key) in the original C64's keyboard or DELETE key in your standard keyboard

      when using the CCS64 emulator.


Note2: X is any value you want to calculate.


This is a built-in calculation mode, present in your Commodore 64. But you can also use the

PRINT command, to show any other character at your screen. Example:


PRINT "NINTENDO 64"    - Key in these words

NINTENDO 64            - The computer will print these words in the screen

READY                  - The computer will wait for your next command


Just a little note: when printing words through "  ", you can change the font color by



SHIFT + (numbers from 1 to 8)         or          C= (Commodore key) + (numbers from 1 to 8)


I.e., by typing




and pressing RETURN, the word COMMODORE will be printed in orange on the screen.


Note: The [C=+1] means that you have to press both C= (Commodore key) and 1 keys at once, and

      NOT that you have to type it.


If you wanna risk your computer till the death of its bytes (I am just kidding), there are two

ways you can crash the BASIC. Just type:








If you type the first, you will crash BASIC imediately. The second way not always crashes the

BASIC. Sometimes, the computer will show ?SYNTAX ERROR instead of crashing. If your Commodore

64 crashes, you can just turn it off and on again that it will works fine. Just note that I am

not responsible for any silly thing that you do with your console. Don't do such things, kids!


=====-----=====-----=====-----=====-----=====-----=====-----=====-----=====-----=====-----===== - Printing in a Printer



First of all, you have to have a printer connected with your computer. Now, type


OPEN 1,4


and press RETURN. This will tells to the computer that you want to use the output device 4, the

C64's internal code for Printers (P.S.: the 5 is also a code for printers). You can also type


OPEN 1,4,0  -  This will tell to the computer that you want upper case only (code 0)




OPEN 1,4,7  -  This will tell to the computer that you want upper and lower cases (code 7)


After that, key




and your printer will print the sentence NINTENDO 64.


=====-----=====-----=====-----=====-----=====-----=====-----=====-----=====-----=====-----===== - Loading Disks



Simply type:





LOAD is the default command for loading a file, "PROGRAM NAME" is, usually, the especific name

of the program. ,8 is C64's internal code for Disks. ,1 is only necessary if you want to load

the first program on a disk. If you want to load the second program, just type:





If you want to load the third program on a disk, type:





I guess you got it now. In order to make things easier, if you want to load the first program

on a disk (and this is necessary in 99,9% of the cases), and you can not remember the right

PROGRAM NAME that you have to type, just type:


LOAD"*",8                   <RETURN>



As you are saying to your Commodore 64 that you want to load everything, it will simply search

for the first program on the disk and load it without trouble.


You can also list all the programs on the disk for a easy reference when Loading a program.



LOAD"$",8                   <RETURN>



The computer will show the programs on the disk. From now on, you can easily type the right

name of the program that you want to load, may it be the first, second, or last program on



=====-----=====-----=====-----=====-----=====-----=====-----=====-----=====-----=====-----===== - Loading Tapes



The main proccess is pretty much the same as loading a disk, but with the appropriated changes.

First, completely rewind the tape, then type




The computer will search for the tape. When the computer asks you for




you have to press SHIFT and RUN/STOP keys simultaneously, and press play on your tape machine.

When the computer finds the program, just press the C= (Commodore key) to load the program.


=====-----=====-----=====-----=====-----=====-----=====-----=====-----=====-----=====-----===== - Loading Cartridges



Turn off your C64, insert the Cartridge, and then turn the computer on. Now, begin the game by

typing the START key that's listed in the game's instruction sheet.


=====-----=====-----=====-----=====-----=====-----=====-----=====-----=====-----=====-----===== - How to Format a New Disk



[            Extracted from an old book which I believe is the Commodore 64 Manual            ]


When you're using a new, unprogrammed disk for the first time, you need to format it. For-

matting, which is also called headering, prepares your disk by doing things like dividing the

disk into blocks. Formatting also creates a directory that you use as a table of contents for

the files you save on the disk. DO NOT header a preprogrammed disk. You only have to format new

disks, not disks that already have programs on them unless you want to erase the entire disk

and reuse it. To format a new disk, use this special version of the OPEN and NEW commands:


OPEN 1,8,15,"N0:<name>,<id>"


+ N0 tells the computer to header (NEW) the disk in drive 0. If you have a dual disk drive

  connected (via a suitable interface) header disks in drive 0.

+ The <name> you use in this command goes in the directory as the name of the entire disk.

  Give the disk any name up to 16 characters.

+ The <id> is any two characters. Give the disk any <id> you want, but you should give every

  disk a different <id> code.


When the disk drive light goes off, type CLOSE 1 and press RETURN.


BE CAREFUL! Headering a disk erases all information on the disk, if there is any. Header only

a new disk or a disk you are willing to erase. Here are some examples of formatting commands

that header a disk:


OPEN 1,8,15,"N0:MYFILE,A3"

OPEN 1,8,15,"N0:$RECORDS,02"


=====-----=====-----=====-----=====-----=====-----=====-----=====-----=====-----=====-----===== - Saving Programs



[            Extracted from an old book which I believe is the Commodore 64 Manual            ]


When you want to reuse a program you've written, be sure to SAVE it before you LOAD another

program. If you don't, you'll lose the program. When you change a SAVEd program, you have to

SAVE it again if you want to keep the new version. When you reSAVE a program, you are replacing

the old version with the new one. If you want to keep both the old and the changed versions,

you have to give the new one a different name when you SAVE it.


Saving on Disk


When you want to SAVE a program you've written on disk, follow these simple steps:


+ Key in SAVE"PROGRAM NAME",8. The 8 is the code for disks. It tells the computer that you're

  using a disk.

+ Press RETURN. The disk makes a noise, and the computer displays this message when the program

  is saved:






Saving on Cassette Tape


When you want to SAVE a program you've written on cassette tape, follow these steps:


+ Key in SAVE"PROGRAM NAME". The program name you use can be up to 16 characters long.

+ Press the RETURN key. The computer displays the message PRESS RECORD AND PLAY ON TAPE.

+ Press the RECORD and PLAY keys on your DATASSETTE recorder. The screen goes blank and

  turns the color of the border. The READY prompt reappears when the program is SAVEd.



2.5.4 - CCS64 Emulator Operation



Note: It is VERY important that you remember what kind of software you are loading. Usually,

Disks have the .D64 extension, Cartridges have the .CRT extension, and finally, Tapes have

the .TAP extension. However, sometimes disks may have the .P00 and .T64 extensions too.


=====-----=====-----=====-----=====-----=====-----=====-----=====-----=====-----=====-----===== - Loading Disks



Press F9 and then choose the first option (1541 Device 8). Choose the directory where the .D64,

.P00 or .T64 file is and press RETURN when its name is highlighted. You must do your navigation

with the  LEFT / RIGHT / UP / DOWN  keys. If you want to return to the main menu, just press



=====-----=====-----=====-----=====-----=====-----=====-----=====-----=====-----=====-----===== - Loading Tapes



Press F9 and then choose the option Tape Device 1. Choose the directory where the .TAP file is

and press RETURN when its name is highlited. You must do your navigation with the  LEFT / RIGHT

/ UP / DOWN  keys. If you want to return to the main menu, just press ESC.


=====-----=====-----=====-----=====-----=====-----=====-----=====-----=====-----=====-----===== - Loading Cartridges



Press F9, choose the option Cartridge, and then Insert Cartridge. Choose the directory where

the .CRT file is and press RETURN when its name is highlited. You must do your navigation with

the  LEFT / RIGHT / UP / DOWN  keys. If you want to return to the main menu, just press ESC.



2.6 - C64's Operational Systems



The built-in Operational System running in the Commodore 64 is the BASIC, but you can also

upgrade your computer with new Operational Systems (such as nowadays, you may have DOS and

WINDOWS working in your computer, and you can still add the Linux). Bellow, are listed the

known Operational Systems developed for Commodore 64.



2.6.1 - BASIC



BASIC is one of the most popular computer languages ever developed. It is by far easier than

others computer languages such as the damn hard COBOL. You can simply type PRINT 1+1 and then

your Commodore 64 will show you the result. With BASIC, you will be able to print, calculate,

and with some heavy knowledge, you will be able to make your own programs, even add music and

sounds to it without any special tool. You have to know at least a couple BASIC commands in

order to operate any computer using the BASIC as the main Operational System. If you want to

make a program you will need a heavy knowledge about this language. The only thing I can say is

that you can search around the Internet for some books about BASIC, which is your best choice.



2.6.2 - JiffyDOS



Well, well, JiffyDOS is not exactly a new Operational System, as it mainly "upgrades" some of

the BASIC features, but it has enough potential to be listed as one Operational System. Indeed,

JiffyDOS is not a software, but a chip. This chip have to be inserted in your Commodore 64 by

removing the older chip, and so you will have an even easier Operational System than BASIC.



2.6.3 - GEOS and Gateway



GEOS is like a new Operational System for Commdore 64. It has almost the same functions as the

Microsoft Windows 3.11, but with the difference it was released earlier for the Commodore 64.

With GEOS you can navigate through the menus using a mouse. GEOS came with 3 programs that

used the Commodore Mouse, GeoPaint (basicaslly the same thing as the Paint program that comes

with the Microsoft Windows), GeoSpell and GeoWriter. Later on, several programs were released

for GEOS using the excellent mouse interface.


Gateway, as far as I know, was released in order to "boost" GEOS. If you had at least a 512 Kb

RAM expansion you could have two GEOS programs running at the same time and even exchange

informations between them (i.e., you could paste a image made with GeoPaint in a text file made

in GeoWriter). Gateway also came with a Trash Can to temporarily delete files you do not want

anymore, but may be useful later. Gateway also granted a better customization about your GEOS,

making possible choosing the drivers for Printers, changing the background colors and setting

the Real Time Clock correctly.


=====-----=====-----=====-----=====-----=====-----=====-----=====-----=====-----=====-----===== - GEOS Related Programs



Bellow are listed some GEOS programs:



|Program Name |Function                                                                       |


|GeoCalc 64...|Graphical calculator program.                                                  |


|GeoConvert...|No information available.                                                      |


|GeoFAX.......|GeoFAX is a very versatile program. If you have a Modem connected to your C64, |

|             |now you can send and receive Fax. It also makes possible to use a Fax Machine  |

|             |as an A4 scanner if it is connected to the Modem.                              |


|GeoFile 64...|Organize files and programs.                                                   |


|GeoFont......|This program added several new font-styles for professional documents.         |


|GeoGIF.......|Allows the visualization of .GIF files.                                        |


|GeoPaint.....|Came with GEOS original package. The same as Windows's packed-in Paint program.|


|GeoPCX.......|No information available.                                                      |


|GeoSpell.....|Came with GEOS original package. This program checked and corrected your spell.|


|GeoWriter....|Came with GEOS original package. Word processor program.                       |


|LYNX.........|Tool for handling WWW.                                                         |


|Pico.........|Tool for handling text editing, on WWW.                                        |


|Pine.........|Tool for handling e-mails.                                                     |


|Tin..........|Tool for handling news, on WWW.                                                |


|Unzip 64.....|Tool that handles .ZIP files.                                                  |




2.6.4 - MegaPatch 64



No additional information available.



2.6.5 - Wheels 64



I do not have much information about Wheels 64, but as it seems it is like a "booster" for GEOS

related programs. Surely, GEOS is required for the Wheels 64 to work. No additional information




2.7 - Main Programs Released



There were several programs released for Commodore 64. If you are using an emulator you'll find

some good programs free available at:




Bellow are listed some programs:



|Programs          |Available for Commodore 64                             |Windows Equivalent|


|Database Managers.|The Manager (1541 Disk Format)                         |Access (Microsoft)|

|Image Makers......|Image Maker (Cartridge Format)                         |Paint (Microsoft) |

|Music Makers......|Modern Music Maker (Cartridge Format)                  |Yamaha XGS (YMH)  |

|Print Work Makers.|The Print Shop / TPS Companion (1541 Disk Format, both)|Print Artist (MS) |

|Word Processors...|Writer (1541 Disk Format)                              |Word (Microsoft)  |

|Worksheet Makers..|Microsoft Multiplan (1541 Disk Format)                 |Excel (Microsoft) |



Also, several Fastloaders were released in order to decrease the big load time of most Disks

and Tapes released for Commodore 64. Cartridges with new commands for the BASIC were also

available, and were very popular, such as the famous Simon's BASIC cartridge.



2.8 - Main Peripherals Released



There are several peripherals released for Commodore 64, from Printers to Disk Drives. Bellow,

are listed some peripherals:



|Peripheral                      |Function                                                    |


|1541 Disk Drive.................|Run games and programs, or record programs in a blank disk. |

|40/80 Column Colour Monitor.....|Professional Monitor. C64 also runs plugged into your TV.   |

|Built-in Cartridge Slot.........|Run games and programs. Cartridges don't have any load time.|

|Cassete Unit Drive(Datacassete).|Run games and programs, or record programs in a blank tape. |

|CMD Hard Drive & NEC CD Reader..|Exchange informations between a CD ROM and a Commodore 64.  |

|Commodore Lightpen + Software...|Allow communication with the computer on the screen.        |

|Commodore Mouse.................|Same function as in other computers.                        |

|Commodore Printer 1230..........|Print your work. There are several different printers.      |

|CS 4 Player Adapter.............|Allow either 1,2,3 or 4 players to play multi-player games. |

|Diamond Supra Express 56e Modem.|Modem that allows use of softwares like GeoFAX and WAVE64.  |

|Digi-Drum + Software............|3-pad percussion attachment used for music making.          |

|FD2000 + Real Time Clock........|3.5" Drive. Format disks up to 1.6MB record space!!!        |

|HD Zip Drive....................|Record informations from your Commodore 64 to a Zip Disk.   |

|Piano Keyboard + Software.......|Piano Keyboard for use with Modern Music Maker.             |

|RAM Link........................|Works as a Disk drive for data storage and fast retrieval.  |

|Standard Joystick...............|Self-explanative. Works as a mouse, too.                    |

|Super CPU 64....................|Boost up to 22Mhz your Commodore 64 instead of 2Mhz default.|

|Turbo 232 Modem Interface.......|Allow connection with any modern modem up to 232k.          |




2.9 - Main Games Released



Literally, THOUSANDS of games were released for the Commodore 64. As far as I know more than

2,000 games were released, among tape, disks and cartridges. 90% of the games were released

in Disk format, using the 1541 Disk Drive. Bellow are listed some of the most successful

games. The games are listed by [Name / Genre / Developer].



3D Soccer..............................................Sports..................Simulmondo

3D Tennis, I Play......................................Sports..................Simulmondo

3D Waterski............................................Sports..................Alligata

Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Pool of Radiance..........RPG.....................TSR/SSI

After Burn.............................................Flight Simulator........Sega

Alteread Beast.........................................Action..................Sega

Bard's Tale, The.......................................RPG.....................Eletronic Arts

Bard's Tale, The 2.....................................RPG.....................Eletronic Arts

Bard's Tale, The 3.....................................RPG.....................Eletronic Arts


Bionic Commando (USA)..................................Action..................Capcom

Bionic Commando (Europe)...............................Action..................Capcom

Bombmania (with 4 players adapter).....................Strategy/Action.........Knights of Bytes

Bored of the Rings.....................................Text Adventure..........?????

Break Dance............................................Dance Simulator.........Epyx/Beck Tesh

Bubble Bobble..........................................Puzzle..................Firebird

California Games.......................................Sports..................Epyx

Castle Wolfenstein.....................................Strategy/Action.........Muse Software



Conflict in Vietnam....................................Real Time Strategy......Micro Prose


Creatures 2............................................Action/Platform.........Apex

Defender of the Crown..................................Strategy/Action.........Cinemaware

Die Hard 2: Dieharder..................................Arcade Shooter..........Grandslam

Dizzy (Series).........................................Action/Platform.........Codemasters

Donkey Kong (Series)...................................Action..................Nintendo

Dragon Strike, Advanced Dungeons & Dragons.............Action..................TSR/SSI

Dragon's Kingdom.......................................Action..................Genias

Dragon's Lair..........................................Instant Action/FREE.....Micro-Projects


Evil Dead..............................................Action..................Palace Software

Final Fight............................................Beat 'em up.............Capcom

Ghouls'n Ghosts........................................Action..................Capcom

Ghosts'n Goblins.......................................Action..................Capcom

Golden Axe.............................................Beat 'em up.............Sega

Great Giana Sisters, The...............................Platform................Rainbow Arts


Horse Racing...........................................Horse Racing............HomeBrewFreeware

Hobbit, The (Disk Version).............................Text Adventure..........Broderbund Soft.

Hobbit, The (Tape Version).............................Text Adventure..........Broderbund Soft.

Ikari Warriors.........................................Action..................SNK

Impossible Mission.....................................Action..................Epyx

International Karate Plus..............................Fighting................System 3

It Is Magic............................................Platform................Stardust

It Is Magic 2..........................................Platform................Stardust

Jack Charlton's Match Fishing..........................Fishing.................Alligata

James Bond 007.........................................Action..................?????

James Pond 2 - Codename: Robocod.......................Platform................Millenium Soft.


Jumpman (Series).......................................Action..................Various

Jupiter Lander.........................................Action..................Commodore

Karateka...............................................Beat 'em up/Fighting....Broderbund Soft.

Kings of the Beach.....................................Sports/Volleyball.......Eletronic Arts

Last Ninja, The........................................Action..................System 3

Last Ninja 2, The......................................Action..................System 3

Last Ninja 3, The......................................Action..................System 3

Last Ninja Remix, The..................................Action..................System 3

Lemmings...............................................Puzzle..................DMA Design

Little Computer People.................................Pet Game/Communication..Activision

Lords of Conquest......................................Board Game/Strategy.....?????

Lord of the Rings......................................Text Adventure..........Broderbund Soft.

Mad Doctor.............................................Action..................?????

Mario Bros. ...........................................Arcade..................Nintendo

Mayhem in Monsterland..................................Platform/Action.........Apex

Metal Gear.............................................Action/Espionage........Konami

Metal Warrior (Series).................................Action/Platform.........Eletric Harem

Might and Magic........................................RPG.....................Activision

Might and Magic Book 2.................................RPG.....................Activision

Monopoly Deluxe........................................Board Game..............Leisure Genius

Monty on the Run.......................................Action..................Gremlin Graphics

Mood (Official Preview - http://noname.c64.org/mood)...3D 1st Person Shooter...No Name

Mood (Preview with sound at http://www.c64.com)........3D 1st Person Shooter...No Name

Newcomer Enhanced English Version......................Adventure...............CID

Out Run................................................Racing..................Sega

Pac Man................................................Arcade/Puzzle...........Namco


Paperboy...............................................Action..................Elite Systems

Penguin Towers.........................................Action/Strategy.........Visualize

Ping Pong..............................................Sports..................Konami

Pit Fighter............................................Fighting................Tengen/Atari

Pole Position (Cartridge)..............................Racing..................Namco

Project Fire Start.....................................Survival-Horror.........?????

Psycho Soldiers........................................Action..................SNK



Racing Destruction Set.................................Racing..................Eletronic Arts

Rags to Riches.........................................Strategy................?????

Robotron 2084..........................................Shooter.................Midway


Sentinel...............................................Strategy................British Telecom

Sex Games (18+ y.o. players)..........................."Action"................Landisoft

Shanghai...............................................Tile Game...............?????


Sim City...............................................Simulation..............Maxis

Simpsons, The..........................................Arcade Action...........Konami

Skate or Die...........................................Sports..................Eletronic Arts

Ski or Die.............................................Winter Sports...........Eletronic Arts

Space Harrier..........................................Shooter.................Sega

Star Wars..............................................Action..................?????

Street Fighter (USA)...................................Fighting................Capcom

Street Fighter (UK)....................................Fighting................Capcom

Street Fighter 2.......................................Fighting................Capcom


Strip Poker............................................Card Game...............Artworx

Stunt Car Racer........................................3D Racing...............Micro Prose

Super Monaco GP........................................Racing..................Sega

Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles............................Beat 'em up.............Konami

Test Drive.............................................Racing..................Accolade

Test Drive 2...........................................Racing..................Accolade

The Shogun.............................................Strategy................EA

Track and Field........................................Olympic Games...........Konami


Turrican 2.............................................Platform/Shooter........Ocean

Turrican 3 (Preview at http://www.lemon64.com/total)...Platform/Shooter........Ocean

Ultima (Series)........................................RPG.....................Origin Systems


Water Polo.............................................Sports..................SLK

Wheelchair Soccer......................................Sports..................Commodore

Wizardry...............................................RPG.....................S.T. Chapman


World Games............................................Various.................Epyx

WWF Wrestlemania.......................................Wrestling...............Ocean

X-Men Madness in Murderworld...........................Interactive.............NEC/Horizon




3.0 - Copyright & End



This FAQ is Copyright of Simon (Thiago Simões), and you are NOT allowed to translate,

post it in your site or any other place without my consent, as well as rewrite this

FAQ and/or sell this to ANYBODY. The only sites allowed to post this FAQ are:


- http://www.gamefaqs.com

- http://vidgame0.tripod.com


Contact me through my E-mail - thiagosimoes84@hotmail.com


Thanks goes to:


-GOD, for All

-Mom, for listening all my stuff :)

-You, for reading this FAQ

-C64.com and arnold.c64.org, for providing such nice games.

-Lemon64.com and the hosted sites Total64 and Manual.

-Shotgunner (csanicola@yahoo.com), for asking good questions.

-The guys from Project 64, for retyping the extremely useful C64 Programmer's Reference Guide.

-Marc Walters (mwalters@bombadil.apana.org.au) - I've got a few info in one of his articles.

-Cameron Kaiser (ckaiser@stockholm.ptloma.edu) - I've got a few info in one of his articles.

-NoName (http://noname.c64.org/mood), for developing the only TRUE 1st person shooter available

 for an 8-bit console (NO, Faceball 2000 for GameGear and GameBoy isn't a 1st person shooter!).

-Commodore Scene (http://www.btinternet.com/~commodorescene/), for their great catalog products

 list. It cleared about 90% of my doubts.

-DDP619 (ddp619@aol.com) - For making me realise I had to update this FAQ once again!

-Alex Allen (alex@allenzone.co.uk) - For letting me know about Mad Doctor.


Note that the sections




were written with the help of Commodore On-line Manual (http://www.lemon64.com/manual), and

from the C6410PRG.DOC document, wrote by the people from Project 64, and fully based on the

book Commodore 64 Programmer's Reference Guide. The sections





were also written with the help of Commodore Scene product catalogue, and the sections


were extracted from an old book which I believe is a Commodore 64 Manual. Other than

these, NOTHING here was copied from any other place, or used without proper credit.

All the products, peripherals, books, sites and computers listed here are Copyright

of their creators.


I hope you enjoyed!


See you!



---------------------------------------- The End? ---------------------------------------------
